How about Venetian Blinds? I love them

How about Venetian Blinds? I love them

How about Venetian Blinds? I love them

I made this.mock up from yardsticks, it’s a pretty good look that’s functional. With the adjustable slats, of the Venetian Blind, I can deflect the light from my eyes some what, from the LED panel. The residual light bouncing around from these panels is evident in my pictures. In the  picture above the slats are about 30 degrees.

Pictures are still lousy with the panels on, since this phase has soooo much red, purple and orange light. I’d take more pictures with white light but I with the present light cycle off at 10 pm on at 4 am , I need to stay up past 10 to set up lights and take pictures. Or not!

I really like Venetian Blinds over Levelors for reference to these shades. This light flooding in is a treat really, especially while growing things.