She’s 71 Days old today No Flowers….. that’s right no flowers, what is going on?
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Tag: true aeroponics
And now she’s thirty days old already ……
She turns Twenty Seven Days old today….
Twenty Seven Days old today…. I am still waiting patiently for a good opportunity to top her, she is a BUSH….
She’s Twenty One Days Old watch out!
She’s Twenty One Days Old watch out! Really getting strong, waiting for a little more stretch so I can top het.
She’s Twenty days old today my goodness
She’s Twenty days old today….. and she is really getting strong, with these roots she’s getting ready to explode…..
Twenty Days Old-all about the roots!
Nineteen Days Old today…looking good…
Nineteen Days Old today…looking good… She’s really looking strong I need her to get a little taller so I can get in there and cut the top, ideally between the 5th and 6th node, watching and waiting…..
Seventeen Days Old and here are the root...
Seventeen Days Old and here are the roots…… I go on and on about how important the roots are I know, that’s Because they are!